We had an uneventful night at the dock with nice, little waves rocking us to sleep. There was heavy rain and wind and Bob and Margaret had another experience entirely. They were docked beam to the sea and got little sleep as the waves splashed the boat and then pushed it into the dock.
This marina offers a mid-week special. Pay for 2 nights and get the third night free. In planning the next leg of our trip we decided to take advantage of the special, stay here 2 more nights and leave early Friday for our next stop, Chesapeake City. Bob and Margaret were able to move their boat and are now in back of us. They hope to get better rest the next two nights.
The 4 of us walked to downtown Rock Hall. It was about ¼ mile to their main street. Rock Hall is a very small town which counts on tourists for most of their livelihood. It was very quiet today, most of the visitors must come on week-ends. In fact, the majority of shops were closed and are only open Thursday – Sunday or just the week-end. Even the Visitor Center was closed.
We stopped at a small coffee shop for a mid-morning break. Just by chance, we glanced out the back window and saw a small group of colorful buildings. They were unique, well-decorated little shops with an eclectic mix of items. There was a shop with garden decorations, a shop having nothing but “hot” sauces, rubs and mixes, a shop with kites and one with a little bit of everything. There was also a “Hubby Daycare” building, which was sheer genius. It was a place where the men could wait while their wives or significant others shopped. It was a small building with a TV, a couch and a rocking chair. There was also literature about the area.
Later in the afternoon we had a thunderstorm blow through. There was severe weather in some areas so we were watching the sky closely. There was a trawler that came in and got tied up only minutes before the storm hit. It was lucky for them, as well as the dockhands who helped them dock.
Bob and Margaret prepared dinner for us. It was a delicious meal, a recipe they had found in Tangier Island. Nice food, nice company.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Rock Hall, Md., - June 4, 2008
Posted by
Darrell & Beth Berge
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Labels: Chesapeake Bay, Great Loop Trip 2008, Maryland