Saturday, June 28, 2008

Brewerton, NY - June 28, 2008

The weather forecast for today was rain so we decided to stay here another day. It is not fun going through locks in the rain. We used one of the courtesy cars at the marina to go shopping. We dropped Margaret off to do laundry, then Bob, Darrell and Beth went to West Marine, a grocery store and Wal-Mart before picking Margaret up and going back to the marina.

Storms and rain off and on all afternoon. Darrell took advantage of the rain and washed the boat. It stopped raining and the sun came out about 4. It started getting warm.

There is a flower planter just a little way from our boat that has a duck nesting on eggs. We’re told she has been there about 2 weeks so the eggs should be hatching in another 1-2 weeks. I got a picture of it. Can you see the duck? She blends in very well.

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