We were up at 4:45 and there was some haze in the sky. We wanted to get an early start again as we are trying to use the tide to help us. When we pulled the anchor at 5:45 the haze had increased and it was very foggy. It is really good to have GPS because we couldn’t have navigated in the fog using paper maps.
This was one of the more miserable days of travel. Not only the fog making it difficult, but it was damp and nothing on the boat dried off until later in the day. It was also quite chilly.We stayed just outside of the shipping channel while traveling down the bay in the fog to avoid any large ships. We angled further east to the Cape May Canal. We were able to take this man-made canal rather than going around the tip of New Jersey and up on the ocean side. The canal really saves a lot of time. There was a lot of boat traffic on it. Just as we entered the canal there was a sign saying Welcome to New Jersey.
The sun started to burn through the fog about 10:30 and by 11:00 it was gone. We are fortunate that we decided to continue through the C&D Canal yesterday. We heard on the radio this morning that the Coast Guard had closed the canal due to fog. It wouldn’t stay closed all day, just until the fog lifted but it really would have messed up our plans.
After the sun came out and we got closer to land the temperature changed quite drastically. It got very warm and, was supposed to get into the 90’s today.
We arrived at Utsch’s Marina around 1 and were docked by 1:15. 7 ¼ hours and 55.9 miles. This is a nice marina and when we registered, we were given a gift bag. In it was 1 bottle of Utsch’s Harbor Wine, some biscotti, hand made soap and miscellaneous literature and maps about the area.
Showers for everyone – and they were really nice showers!
The four of us had dinner at the Lobster House. We were told it is one of the top 10 restaurants on the east coast. We enjoyed it.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Reedy Island, Delaware Bay, Delaware – Cape May, New Jersey, June 7, 2008
Posted by
Darrell & Beth Berge
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Labels: Delaware Bay, Great Loop Trip 2008, New Jersey