Fuzzy got to go shopping in a pirate store and got an eyepatch, a pirate telescope and some pirate treasure. He also learned how to talk like a pirate.
Arrgh……Ahoy matey, look at me booty! Aye, I’m a buccaneer, yo-ho-ho and I has a lot of swag. I likes to eat grub and drink grog with me hearties.
Shiver me timbers! Thar’s a scallywag! He’s a lubber! Avast!
Fuzzy thought you should have some more pirate things. Fuzzy sent some buccaneer swag for you.
Here's the key:
Ahoy: Hey!
Arrrrrr: A general expression of glee
Avast: Stop!
Aye: Yes
Booty: treasure
Buccanneer: a pirate
Grog: A pirate's favorite drink.
Grub: food
Landlubber or just lubber: A non-sailor
Matey: a friend
Me hearty: a friend or shipmate.
Me: My.
Scallywag: A bad person. A scoundrel.
Shiver me timbers!: an exclamation of surprise, to be shouted most loud.
Swag: Loot.
Thar: The opposite of "here."
Yo-ho-ho: Pirate laughter
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Fuzzy as a Pirate
Posted by
Darrell & Beth Berge
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Labels: Fuzzy's Adventures