We left at 8 a.m. today. We are motoring on the port engine only, just as a precaution. We were still able to go about 7.2 mph. We did use both engines for maneuvering and anchoring.
We were still traveling the Indian River, but started out in much narrower channels. The day was beautiful and calm, the water like a mirror.
We were still traveling the Indian River, but started out in much narrower channels. The day was beautiful and calm, the water like a mirror.
It was very picturesque, with small marinas and medium sized houses. Eventually we were in a wider part of the river and saw little islands here and there. Some had boats anchored near them and we guessed people were exploring the island. We saw one small island with a man, a dog and a tent on it. We also saw a sailboat which had run aground. 
There was more boat traffic today. We could tell the week-end is almost here. We have also seen more dolphins, but not close enough for pictures.
Beth was at the helm for a few hours this afternoon while Darrell caught up on some repairs and maintenance.
We arrived at 5:15 and anchored at the NASA Causeway Bridge, which is very close to the Kennedy Space Center. This is the NASA vehicle assembly building. It’s one of the largest buildings in the world and covers 8 acres and has 130 million cubic feet of space. (Double click to enlarge the picture).