Sunday, March 30, 2008

Daytona Beach – St. Augustine, March 30

Pulled anchor at 7:25 this morning. The day was overcast and cooler. It kept looking like we would get rain, but never did.

The look of the shoreline kept changing. We went through some less inhabited parts of Florida. Some of it was reminiscent of Minnesota lakeshore, while other parts remind us of the Mississippi River area.

We were going into a headwind and the current, so we went slower today than in the past.

We arrived at Comachee Cove Yacht Harbor in St. Augustine about 3 p.m. It was nice to get in, the wind was increasing and the water was becoming more choppy, not to mention that it was getting colder. Bob and Margaret were here waiting for us. We hope to see some of St. Augustine tomorrow. St. Augustine is the oldest city in Florida.