As we left Cape Harbor there were several dolphins swimming next to us for a couple miles. They are so graceful and beautiful. It’s thrilling to watch them surf our bow wave.
We went under the Sanibel Bridge then into the open water of the Gulf of Mexico. We cruised by Ft. Myers Beach which brought back memories of a vacation Beth took with her mother and sister. We were traveling 3-5 miles offshore as we made our way to Factory Bay at Marco Island. The seas were really rolling and a person could get sick pretty quickly if they went below. Beth found out when she went to make lunch.
We arrived in Factory Bay and were anchored by 4 p.m. We passed this sailboat. Don’t know what happened to it but it once must have been beautiful. 
Took the dinghy for a ride around the harbor, then stopped at the Tiki Bar for the best hamburgers ever. The Tiki Bar had been recommended by friends, and they were right.
Back to the boat by 7:30.
Back to the boat by 7:30.