Sunday, March 9, 2008

Fuzzy sees Manatees

Fuzzy is excited. He is also a little scared. In three days he will start his big adventure, a trip called The Great Loop! He is looking forward to all the new places he will go, the new things he will see. Fuzzy is happy that Nana and Papa are going with him. He knows that they will take care of him and keep him safe.

Yesterday as Fuzzy was going to the boat he saw many manatees in the water, more than he’d ever seen at one time. Nana was with him and took some pictures. Manatees live in the water but need air to breathe so they stick their noses out of the water to get air. It is hard to get pictures of them. Look closely and you can see some noses. How many can you find? (You can click on the picture to make it bigger).

Manatees are sometimes called “the gentle giants” and only eat vegetation. Ask Mom or Dad to find a picture of a manatee so you can see what they look like.