When Fuzzy was taking a walk with Nana and Papa and Aunt Keely, he saw some kids sliding down a grass hill on a piece of cardboard. He had never heard of that. He thought you needed snow to slide on.
Fuzzy asked the kids why they were sliding on grass and found out that in Tennessee they don’t get much snow. They still like to slide down hills and they found out they can do it on the grass.
Fuzzy thought that really looked like fun and wanted to try it. A little girl named Brooke said she would take Fuzzy for a ride. He had a lot of fun!! Have you ever gone down a grass hill on a piece of cardboard?
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Fuzzy Sliding Down the Hill
Posted by
Darrell & Beth Berge
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Labels: Fuzzy's Adventures