Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fuzzy and the Butterflies

Fuzzy really likes butterflies. He thinks they are so pretty and come in so many different colors. Fuzzy had seen many butterflies around the boat and Nana got some pictures of them. Then Fuzzy got to go the Butterfly House when he went to the aquarium with Nana, Papa and Aunt Keely. A Butterfly House is like an indoor garden. The butterflies get to fly around, but they can’t fly away. We get to walk in the house and see the butterflies up close. One butterfly came and sat on Auntie Keely’s camera and another one landed on Nana’s hand!!!

Fuzzy found out that butterflies have four wings and six legs and they taste with their feet! They also have two antennae and they use their antennae to smell. WOW!

Fuzzy likes butterflies so much that when he saw a butterfly chair he had to sit on it and have his picture taken.

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