Saturday, April 5, 2008

Port Royal - Beaufort, April 5

We pulled anchor at 9:30 this morning and arrived at Beaufort City Marina at 10:30. We took on more fuel (109.8 gallons) and were tied up at our dock by about 11:15.

The forecast called for rain starting about noon, so we took a walk before doing anything else. The marina is in downtown historic Beaufort so we didn't have far to go.

Here is main street.

Truly a laid back atmosphere, the owner's cat is sleeping on the store steps.

They actually serve fried green tomatoes!

We found a little cafe for lunch, not Kathleen's. Darrell had Marilyn's Shrimp and Sausage Gumbo, which he really liked. Beth had a Pimento Cheese Sandwich, which she was told is a southern favorite. It was made with cheddar cheese, pimento and hot sauce on white bread. It was pretty good.

Darrell is sitting on chair made of welded scrap parts - for sale at an art store.

The marina had a courtesy car which we used to go to the grocery store.

It started raining about 3:00.

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