We had thunderstorms during the night and woke up today to heavy fog. Beth took a couple pictures, of the sun trying to burn through and a boat which was anchored near us.
We realized we were within a couple miles of Isle of Hope Marina, which is pretty close to Savannah, so we called to see if we could get a slip there for tonight. They were full so after checking charts and weather forecasts we decided to skip a Savannah stop and go to Beaufort. We will anchor tonight, then get to
Darrell did a little maintenance this morning, then we got underway about 10:30. The weather today is much nicer, warm with little wind.
The ICW was very narrow. At times, especially with low tide, it seemed to be no more than a creek. It was also extremely shallow at times. Can you tell by the picture it was low tide?
We got into South Carolina waters at 1:15. We went past Hilton Head. This is the Hilton Head Marina.
We anchored at Port Royal at 5:45. Beaufort is only a few miles away.