Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ross Branch, AL –Florence, AL, September 24, 2008

We pulled anchor at 9:15 this morning. We were going just a short way so we didn’t feel the need to get up early. Darrell did some fiber glassing while we were underway. A door jamb had a crack in it and we didn’t want it to get any worse.

This part of Pickwick Lake reminds us a lot of the upper Mississippi River south of Lake Pepin. There are little islands scattered all over, some of them having sand beaches. We arrived at Florence Harbor Marina and were tied up by 1 p.m. after traveling 27 miles.

We had asked to be added to the “River Rats” copy list so we could follow what was happening with the boats stuck up in the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers. We know many of the people there who have been unable to move for the last 2 weeks. The latest word is that parts of the river have been re-opened to pleasure craft and some boats left this morning. It will probably take 7-10 days for all the boats to get underway.

Such a surprise! We had been in the marina only an hour when Footloose came in and docked. We shared the courtesy car, so we could have it longer. We drove around Florence to check out the lay of the land. Tomorrow we will go in together on a rental car.

We got back to the marina and ate dinner at the marina restaurant. Jim and Sandy from Footloose and Ron and Teana from Driftwood joined us.

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